SummitCare & QPS Benchmarking Project - Relative Telephone Surveys

SummitCare & QPS Benchmarking Project - Relative Telephone Surveys


Feedback is integral to the continuous improvement and complaints management process within SummitCare. After much consultation and collaboration SummitCare has introduced across the entire organisation, the annual relative telephone survey. This telephone survey is being undertaken by QPS Benchmarking, using their recently researched questionnaire, with the addition of specifically designed questions relevant to SummitCare to provide valuable information to assist with future planning. The survey process also provides an opportunity for relatives/ person responsible to feedback information or make comment about any other area or topic. The results are collated at both the centre level and across the whole organisation. The collated report is then provided to each centre's manager. Through the Group Manager of Care & Lifestyle, this feedback is actioned, monitored and followed up to ensure improvements are implemented and an end to end process exits.

Relatives - Key Stakeholders

The QPS telephone survey was commenced in 2009. The relative/person responsible is identified as a key stakeholder and SummitCare seek to involve and actively provide relatives /person responsible with a communication avenue that reflects collaborative approaches to improving care and services to our residents. A schedule for undertaking the surveys at each centre was developed to ensure we had a clear, planned approach for receiving feedback and time being allocated to take action before we completed the cycle again.

End to End Process - Closing the Quality Cycle

An important task for any organisation when distributing surveys is the compilation of the list of relatives contact details with accurate addresses and phone numbers. All our relatives are included in the list so there is a 100% target rate. A letter is distributed to each relative informing them and inviting them to participate in the impending telephone survey. The questions are focused around our key processes within the organisation including care, attitude of staff, meals etc. The surveys are then undertaken with all verbatim comments captured and documented during the conversation. The data is graphed, analysed and forwarded to the Group Manager, Care & Lifestyle. Response rates, key themes and systemic issues are highlighted in the report which is tabled at the leadership team meeting. Members of this meeting include the CEO, General Manager Operations, Group Manager Accommodation Services and Finance and Administration.

A meeting is then scheduled with the local leadership team at the centre, members of this team include the Operations Manager and the Manager Care & Lifestyle, Manager Accommodation Services. The findings within the report are discussed and an action plan is developed with input and consensus from the team. The action plan is reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure all items are completed according to timeframes. All relatives requesting to be identified and followed up during the telephone survey are contacted and where necessary, additional case conferences are arranged.

SummitCare has a very transparent ideas and complaints management procedure and the "Ideas and Complaints" form is accessible in the front foyer, available on SummitCare's web site and provided in the resident's handbook for use by all family members and visitors. If the findings of the survey indicate that people are not aware of SummitCare's complaints procedure, a copy of this form is provided/posted to all residents and relatives/person responsible. This issue is also flagged as an agenda item for the Resident/Relative committee.

The findings of the telephone survey relating to future needs and issues feeds into the strategic planning process so SummitCare can plan according to stakeholder feedback to remain relevant and sustainable in the long term.