UPA Greenhills Lodge Falls Prevention Program

With Australia’s ageing population, falls are a common problem. Approximately 30% of people aged over 65 years of age will have at least one fall each year, and an even larger 50% of people in residential aged care fall each year!

Falls should not be considered a random event, with a large number of known risk factors, specific exercise programs aimed at balance can significantly reduce the risk of falls in older people.

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Falls prevention has been targeted at Greenhills Lodge through the implementation of an exercise based falls prevention class. This involves individually tailored strength and balance re-training activities from the evidence based Otago Exercise Program to target resident’s impairments related to their risk of falls.

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Each class is run twice weekly for half an hour and involves a warm-up of gentle flexibility exercises followed by strengthening exercises targeting major muscle groups. After this, balance re-training exercises are performed finishing off with a cool-down of deep breathing and flexibility exercises. performed in an outdoor undercover area, with music to create a fun and inclusive environment in which encourages greater participation and adherence. The Greenhills Falls Prevention Program is a safe, effective, practical, and low-cost strategy from which our older residents are benefiting tremendously! 

Jacquie Everson, Care Manager